How to Optimize Your AdSense?
Are you using AdSense, and want to increase your revenue? AdSense is the top advertising program for bloggers. To maximize its abilities and features, let’s learn some basic as well as advanced tips to increase AdSense revenue.
One major factor that you must give serious consideration related to the placement of your ads. Make sure you don’t violate AdSense policies, and place your ads in a way that forces users to click on them, and always be sure you never ask someone to click on your ads.
With those important notes in mind, AdSense’s new interface has some easy-to-use features which will help boost your revenue.
DIY tips for increasing AdSense revenue:
The main assumption is that traffic directly related to money in blogging, but this is not quite accurate in terms of AdSense advertising. There are many factors which affect your AdSense income; ad placement, ad type, traffic source and most importantly, AdSense CPC to name a few.
While doing your keyword research, keep an eye on the CPC column. Target high CPC, then see the number of words, keywords, and clicks on your ads becomes higher. You can also use other tools to find profitable keywords. AdSense is a type of Internet-based advertising, which has the least effect on performance, however it has many benefits if you work it right.
1. Use Ezoic (AdSense automated optimization)
If you are driving more than 20,000 page-views a month, this one's for you. Ad placement and ad size are crucial aspects of increasing AdSense revenue. However, the main challenge is to manually test it by yourself. This is where you should probably use the advantage of Artificial intelligence tools like Ezoic, a free tool which is available for all bloggers who have more than 20,000 page-views a month. This service will automatically start experimenting with Ads to optimize user experience. It focuses on user experience the most, and not only makes your readers happy, but helps you to earn more money. A good user experience is a positive SEO signal, which improves your ranking.
2. Improve Size/Location:
One of the most common factors involved in getting low or high CTR. Put AdSense ads around the content and above the fold; above-the-fold ads perform better than below-the-fold ads. Try to blend the ads with your site design. Either way, use link-based ads, they are different from banner ads, and they don’t decrease the CTR of main ads if you are optimizing them properly. It’s recommended to keep these types of ads on the header navbar. When you design a website for AdSense profits, you should keep the AdSense heatmap in your mind; you could easily create AdSense-optimized themes, and designs for your new site. Here are some of the AdSense sizes that work best, In the AdSense world size matters:
- 336 * 280: Large Rectangle
- 300*250
- 728*90
- 160*600
3. Your Traffic source and location matters:
AdSense ads perform the best if your traffic comes from search engines. Keep in mind, interest-based ads might not perform as well, if you are getting more direct traffic. Many complain about low CPC, and low AdSense income, though leaving millions of impressions per month. This is usually due to CPC and traffic sources. Target traffic from countries like the U.S.A and the U.K, and you will end up getting high CPC.
4. AdSense for Search: Add extra revenue source
AdSense has many ways to monetize your site or blog, and you should try to take advantage of all ad types; AdSense for Search, not only helps you monetize, but it also helps with user navigation.
5. AdSense section targeting: Make ads relevant
AdSense is a contextual ad network, its work is based on the content of your page, including your header and footer. Ads presented through AdSense must be highly relevant to the context of your article. Section targeting on AdSense is a technique where you add two lines of code before and after the content, thus targeting your ad to the content.
6. Use Image or Text Ads wisely:
Some think that image ads work better on AdSense. If you are blocking an ad type, or ad category, you actually decrease the competition on your ad, as well as decreasing the CPM of your ads. Try to use both ad types.
7. Place Ads between posts:
To increase your AdSense revenue, configure AdSense ads to match with your page design, and add 468*60 image ads, or text link ads between posts. Keeping in mind a good user experience to your readers, you can add some photos, just make sure to add enough space between ads and content, so it doesn’t violate AdSense policies.
8. Placement targeting:
Here is an idea which many bloggers are ignoring. Once you create a channel, you can add more details about your ad types, and then place your ad up for auction in the market by choosing placement targeting. It will increase the competition, and the ad value on your site will go up. Enable this manually for every custom channel; simply log in to your AdSense account > My ads > Custom > Custom Channels > Click on one of the names, and a screen will pop up > Add the details > Put a checkmark at placement targeting.
9. AdSense Blacklist URLs:
Many advertisers pay very little per click. If you have already compiled a list of such advertisers on your own or you know of any site with very poor performance, you can block that advertiser’s URL. Chances are you will improve your revenue rather quickly. You can also opt to block your competitor’s ads from displaying on your site.
10. AdSense Category blocking:
AdSense's new interface allows “category blocking” feature in a much easier way to use. You can quickly see which categories of ads are performing poorly, and then block those categories. Block the categories though having a good percentage of impression, yet very low earnings percentage. You can also be configuring it through your “allow” and “block” ads page.
11. AdSense for YouTube:
If you are a video publisher, or if you upload videos to YouTube, you can monetize your copyrighted video through YouTube publisher program. It performs really well; however, it is largely depending on the traffic your YouTube videos get.
12. Experiment and keep experimenting:
If your main source of income is through Google AdSense revenue, these tips might be helpful to you. It is important to always test various things, and choose what works best for you. You can even play with the link colors, and determine which combination is generating maximum CTR, etc.